Assign WooCommerce Shipping Classes To Products

Assigning WooCommerce Shipping Classes to products is a straightforward process that allows you to categorize and customize the WooCommerce shipping settings for different types of products in your online store. By assigning specific WooCommerce shipping classes, you can effectively manage and control the shipping options and costs associated with each product.

This feature enables you to define unique shipping requirements for various product categories, such as fragile items, oversized products, or items with specific shipping considerations. By associating the appropriate shipping class with each product, you can ensure accurate shipping calculations and provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

You can also assign WooCommerce Shipping class to Products directly from Frontend using our Frontend Product Editor Plugin.

There are two methods for adding shipping classes to your products in WooCommerce: Adding them to individual products or adding them to multiple products at once.

Let’s explore how each of these methods will work in detail.

For a comprehensive understanding of How to Create WooCommerce Shipping Class, please check our detailed article.

Importance of Adding Shipping Classes

Assigning shipping classes to products in WooCommerce is essential for managing your online store efficiently. These classes help you customize how shipping costs are calculated based on the specific characteristics of your products. For instance, you might have different shipping needs for small items, bulky products, or delicate goods.

Imagine you run an online store that sells both small accessories and large furniture. Without shipping classes, you’d have to charge a flat shipping rate for all products, which may lead to overcharging or undercharging customers.

By assigning shipping classes, you can set accurate rates for each category. It ensures that customers pay a fair amount for shipping, whether they’re buying a small trinket or a big piece of furniture. In this way, shipping classes help you create a transparent and customer-friendly shopping experience, ensuring that your customers are only paying for the shipping services they need based on the type of product they are purchasing.

Adding WooCommerce Shipping Class to a Single Product

  • To assign a shipping class to an individual product, Go to Products➝All Products on your dashboard.
  • Select the product for which you wish to assign a shipping class, and then click on the Edit button that appears directly below the product name.
WooCommerce: Single Product Edit
WooCommerce: Single Product Edit
  • Navigate to Shipping Options and choose the shipping class under which you would like to add this product in the Shipping Class section.
  • Finally, click on the Update button to save your changes.
WooCommerce: Shipping Class Option(Single)
WooCommerce: Shipping Class Option(Single)

Adding WooCommerce Shipping Class to Multiple Products

  • Navigate to Products➝All Products on your dashboard.
  • Select the products you wish you assign a class by simply checking on the box beside the product.
  • Locate the Bulk Options menu above the product list and, select Edit option, then click on Apply button.
WooCommerce: Multiple Product Edit
WooCommerce: Multiple Product Edit
  • After clicking on the button, a new window will open up where you have to navigate to the Shipping option and then, select the desired class you want to add.
  • Finally, click on the update button below to save the changes.
WooCommerce: Shipping Class Option(Multiple)
WooCommerce: Shipping Class Option(Multiple)

Please check our detailed article about How to add Products in WooCommerce.


In conclusion, assigning shipping classes to products in WooCommerce is a straightforward process that allows you to organize and manage your shipping options efficiently. By categorizing your products into different classes based on their shipping characteristics, you gain better control over shipping costs, delivery methods, and overall logistics.

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