Guide to Boost Sales with Products Bundled in WooCommerce

In the fast-paced world of ecommerce, businesses are constantly seeking innovative strategies to capture the attention of consumers and boost their sales. One powerful trick that has proven to be a game-changer is the art of bundling products. Imagine walking into your favorite store and discovering a curated combination of items bundled together at the lowest price. That’s the allure of bundled products, a sales strategy that not only benefits customers but also gives businesses a winning edge.

Bundled products work like magic to capture customers’ attention and attract them to purchase. Think about the joy of finding a perfect combo deal that meets your needs and saves you money. For businesses, bundling is a strategic move that increases the average transaction value and clears inventory efficiently.

In this article, we’ll talk about how bundled products in WooCommerce can boost your sales. From attracting new customers to increasing average transaction values, we’ll explore the benefits that come with this strategic approach. Let’s dive into the world of bundled products and watch your sales strategy go to the next level.

What is Product Bundling

It is a marketing strategy in which various products are grouped and sold as a single package. The goal is to provide customers with more value by offering bundled items at a lower price than buying each separately. It’s a way to save money while getting everything you need. This approach is commonly encountered in everyday shopping, like when you find a combination of mouse and keyboard sold together or a computer bundled with additional software.

Imagine you’re in a tech store looking for a new computer. You might come across a bundle that includes the computer, a protective case, and some essential software, all at a price lower than if you wish to buy each item individually. This is product bundling at work. The strategy aims to attract customers with the idea that they get a better deal by purchasing the bundle instead of each item separately.

For instance, if you’re buying a camera, a bundle might include a camera bag, extra memory cards, a handy bag, and more. These items complement the main product and enhance the overall user experience. When things are bundled together, it makes them seem even more valuable. It makes people more likely to buy more stuff, things they might not have considered buying before.

Bundled Products
Bundled Products

Moreover, product bundling can be an effective way for companies to promote slower-moving or less popular products. By pairing them with more popular items in a bundle, businesses can boost the sales of the entire package.

Common Types of Products Bundle

Now, there are different types of bundling, and they’re cool because they cater to what other people like. It’s like having different options for different tastes. So, if you’re a store owner, you can use these bundling types to make more money and make your customers happy.

Here are different ways to bundle products and how you can use them to benefit your business.

Pure Bundling

Pure bundling means offering a set of items exclusively as one package. It is great for online stores that want to make customers feel special and get more value. They do this by putting together things that go well together and selling them as a bundle for less money than buying each thing separately.

For instance, big tech companies might sell a particular game console and a special video game version. You can only get the console and the game as part of this special bundle. It’s like when you buy a combo meal at a fast-food place; you get the burger, fries, and drink together for a better price than buying them individually. That’s pure bundling, making an excellent package that customers can’t resist.

Mix & Match Bundling

Mix-and-match bundling is like creating your perfect package by choosing different items that go well together. It’s a strategy where standalone products are grouped into a single, convenient package.

Let’s say you’re buying a laptop. With mix-and-match bundling, you can choose which software comes with it. It’s like picking the apps you want when getting a new phone. This way, the company sells more because you’re getting exactly what you want, and they’re making it easy for you.

Cross Sell Bundling

In this bundling trick, shops sell an extra product that goes well with your purchase. It works great with cheaper stuff or accessories for a more expensive item. For example, if you’re getting a new camera, they suggest an excellent editing software package to go with it. So, the camera and software become a bundle deal.

The cool part is they make your shopping experience better. You end up with more stuff that makes your primary purchase even better, and the shop sells more.

New Product Bundling

This technique combines newly launched items with popular ones to promote and highlight the new products. Online stores commonly use it. The new items get more attention by combining new products with well-known ones. The better customers receive the existing product, the more it attracts them to check out the new product.

Imagine you have a favorite app on your phone, and suddenly, they introduce a cool new feature along with it. You might be more interested in trying out that new feature because you already enjoy the app. It’s kind of like a package deal to help you discover and get excited about the new stuff. Later on, if you really like the new feature, you might decide to get it separately.

Buy One Get One Free Product Bundling

When you see “Buy One, Get One Free” deals, you can get an extra item without paying more when you buy a specific product. This kind of offer is expected in stores and online.

These deals are great for businesses because they encourage people to buy more, especially in industries like stores. For example, if you buy a T-shirt, you might get another T-shirt for free or at a discount.

Businesses use this strategy to make customers feel like they’re getting a good deal, and it can create loyalty. Offering bundles where you get more for your money; makes customers happy and helps businesses sell more stuff quickly.

Gift Bundling

Gift bundles are packages that group different items that go well together, making it easier for people to give thoughtful gifts. It is often done during holidays, providing a convenient way to share thoughtful and well-matched gifts with friends and family.

Let’s say there’s an online store selling cool gadgets. For the holidays, they make a “Gamer’s Delight” gift set. Inside, there’s a gaming headset, a super good mouse, and a colorful LED keyboard that gamers really like. Instead of picking each thing, you can buy the whole set. It’s like a ready-made awesome gift for your gamer friend!

So, making gift sets is like putting together a bunch of cool things that make an amazing gift. It’s easier for people to give presents because they don’t have to choose each thing separately.

Price Bundling

Bundle pricing is like getting a deal when you buy things together. Sometimes, you get a discount or something extra with the bundle. A store might pick specific items you must buy together to get the discount. For example, a “buy-one-get-one-free” offer is a price bundle deal.

Imagine you want to buy a phone and a case. Instead of buying them separately at the total price, get the phone and case together, and they’ll give you a discount, or you purchase the phone, and they’ll give you the case for free! Even though you spend more than planned, it feels like a good deal because you’re getting a discount or a free item.

Significance of Bundling Products

Let’s talk about why bundling products is a good idea. There are two parts to it: one is how it benefits customers, and the other is how it helps the owners.

Benefits of Bundling Products for Customers

Save Money

Getting a good deal is awesome, and saving money on things you want is even better. That’s where bundle prices come in handy. When you buy many products together, you often get a discount.

People usually like to be smart with their money when they buy something. So, seeing a deal for multiple items at a lower price makes them feel good about their purchase. It’s like getting more value for their money.

For example, think about getting a gaming console. Instead of buying the console, games, and accessories separately (which could be more expensive), you can buy them all together as a bundle. This way, you save money, which feels like a great deal.

Discovering New Products

Imagine you’re using a streaming service, and they offer you a special bundle. This bundle includes exclusive content, premium channels, and even a free trial for a new service you have yet to try. It’s like a package deal for your entertainment.

Now, this isn’t just good for the streaming service; it’s also great for you as a customer. You might be thinking, Why? Well, bundling introduces you to new things you might have yet to consider. In this case, you can explore a broader range of entertainment options.

It’s like when you go to a store, and they have a deal where you buy one thing and get another related item for free. It’s a cool way for you to discover and enjoy more stuff.

Perceived Value

Perceived Value is about how customers feel they’re getting a great deal. Even if the bundle’s total price isn’t way cheaper than buying things separately, customers often believe they’re getting more products for their money. This feeling of getting a good deal makes the bundle more tempting and enjoyable for customers.

For example, imagine a beauty product bundle. It comes with a skincare set, makeup, and, as a bonus, a free cosmetic bag. Now, the actual cost of these items might be pretty much the same as buying them individually. But customers see the bundle, notice the bonus cosmetic bag, and think, “Wow, I’m getting extra stuff for the same amount of money!” It makes them feel like they’re making an intelligent purchase, even if they spend the same or a bit more. The perceived value is high because customers believe they’re getting more than they paid.

Benefits of Bundling Products for Owners

Increased Sales Volume

Boosting sales volume is crucial for business success, and one effective strategy is bundling. It means offering products together as a package, which can significantly increase the number of items sold. When customers see an appealing bundle, they’re more inclined to buy, even if it means spending more than they intended. This, in turn, leads to higher overall sales.

Imagine a fast-food restaurant as an example. Instead of just selling a sandwich, fries, and a drink separately, they create a meal bundle that includes all three items at a slightly discounted price. Customers find this deal attractive, and many choose the bundle instead of buying each item individually. Even though they’re spending a bit more, the perceived value and convenience of the bundled meal encourage them to make the purchase.

Inventory Management

Product bundling is a smart strategy that helps businesses handle their inventory more effectively. Businesses group them in bundles instead of selling items individually to encourage sales. This method lets owners keep a close eye on their stock levels and ensure they’re distributing products evenly. This way, they can avoid having too much or too little of certain items.

Let’s take an electronic store as an example. Imagine they have a set of items specifically designed for a particular season. Instead of selling each piece separately, they create a bundle that includes several items, like a mouse, keyboard, and buds. By promoting the sale of these bundled items, the store can control how many individual pieces they sell.

Marketing Opportunities

Bundling products together opens up exciting chances for clever marketing moves. It allows businesses to showcase certain items, introduce new products, or boost sales for special occasions. This adaptability in marketing lets owners stay in tune with what customers like.

For instance, imagine a tech company launching a brand-new smartphone. They decided to bundle it with a set of cool accessories to make it even more enticing. But here’s the twist: they make it a limited-time deal. It creates a lot of excitement and grabs the interest of potential buyers.

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty means customers like to stick with and keep buying from a particular brand. Offering attractive bundles of groups of different things sold together can make customers like a brand. When customers find good deals and useful stuff in these bundles, they’re more likely to return to buy more from that brand. This loyalty helps a brand grow, and its customers will come again to buy things.

For instance, think about an online subscription service. They might offer a bundle with special features, exclusive content, and early access to new things. People who subscribe to this service and get these bundles feel like they’re getting much value for their money. They’re more likely to stay subscribed because they see the ongoing benefits of these bundled offerings. It creates loyalty, and these subscribers will probably choose this service over others when they want similar things.

How Bundled Products Can Increase Your Sales

People like getting a good deal, and even a small discount can excite them to buy something. Now, imagine if, instead of just discounting one thing, you offer a discount on a bunch of things together; that would feel like an even better deal to customers. This feeling gets even more vital if you let customers see the prices and details of each item in the package.

Let’s take cable companies as an example. They allow you to buy internet, cable TV, and home phone services separately. However, most people go for the bundled plans because they’re usually much cheaper. What’s interesting is that these companies are still making a profit, even though they’re offering a discount on the bundle. The secret is that each service’s profit is high enough to cover the discount they give. So, the customer feels like they’re getting a great deal, and the company still makes money. So it would be a win-win situation for both of them.

It’s all about saving money, so bundles are so effective. Customers love the feeling of getting more for less. But there’s a catch: the things in the bundle need to make sense together. For example, bundling snow boots with a swimsuit wouldn’t make sense. The products should complement each other so that the customer sees the value in buying them together.

So, offering bundled products is like giving customers a better deal, which they love. Whether it’s buying clothes or getting cable services, people enjoy feeling like they’re saving money. Make sure the bundle makes sense, and you’ll likely see an increase in sales and happy customers!

Strategies to Create Bundle Products

Creating bundled products is a clever strategy to boost sales by offering customers a package deal. This approach combines different items or services and sells them as a bundle, often at a discounted price. Let’s explore simple strategies to create bundled products effectively and attract more customers.

Group relevant products in one place

When you bundle products, the key is ensuring they go together somehow. They can match or work together, like a phone case with a phone or batteries with a torch.

Your bundles should make sense and meet your customers’ specific needs to get the best results. For instance, buying a new computer might require a screen cleaner, an extra USB cable, and software. Putting these things together gives customers more value and shows them that you understand what they need.

The main thing is to think about what your customers might want or need together. Bundling products that make sense shows you’re thinking about them and their needs, making it more likely they’ll feel a connection with you and choose your bundle over buying things separately.

Use Customer’s Data

The best way to determine what products to bundle together is by looking at what your customers already buy. Don’t try to guess; instead, dive into the data of what your customers purchase. Using performance and sales metrics, you can quickly see which products are popular and how often customers buy them.

This data helps you understand what makes sense to bundle together. For example, if many people buy a particular type of phone with a specific accessory, you can create a bundle with those two items. It’s like letting your customers guide you in creating packages they are likely to love.

Highlighting Cost Savings and Additional Benefits

People love a good deal, and that’s where product bundles shine. It’s a win because customers get more stuff for less money. Emphasizing the savings is vital; show them how much they save by getting the bundle instead of buying each item separately. But it’s not just about the price; the value is in what’s included.

Highlight the extras and added benefits. Imagine buying a yoga bundle, and it’s not just a mat; it includes everything you need to start immediately, like a water bottle, some useful blocks, etc. That’s the magic of a bundle; it gives customers more than they would get with just one item. So, it’s not just about saving money; it’s about getting a package that offers extra value and convenience. That’s what makes a bundle a fantastic deal!

Offer Customers a Discount

People love saving money, and discounts make them happy. If you encourage shoppers to buy bigger bundles at a discounted price, it not only sells more products but also gives customers a better deal.

Discounts not only make customers feel good about your brand, but they also make them more likely to stick with your brand. This loyalty is crucial, and you will get free mouth publicity for your brand. It also helps your brand stand out from competitors. But be careful not to rely too much on discounts to sell bundles. The main goal of offering bundled products is to boost sales and give customers a good deal.

Keep Bundles Simple

While it seems like a good idea to make big bundles with lots of stuff to attract customers, it can backfire. It might put them off if you overwhelm customers with fewer products. It’s better to keep things simple. Bundles can be as small as just two products if that makes sense.

Simple bundles make it easy for customers to pick what they want without scrolling through many things they don’t need. Imagine going to an ice cream shop with just a few flavors versus one with a hundred, and it’s easier to choose from a smaller selection. So, when it comes to bundles, less is often more.

Tips to remember while Creating Bundles

Boosting your sales is as easy as selecting a few products. Using the Product Bundles extension, you can group items together and offer them at a discounted price as your sales increase. It’s that simple! If you’re selling things online, this extension lets you create bundles of products and offer them at a discounted rate, making it more attractive for customers.

As you prepare bundles for holiday shoppers, here are some quick tips to remember.

  • When you’re putting bundles together, like combining a Mobile with a case and charger, it’s important to pay attention to how much it costs and how big it is. If the bundle becomes too expensive, it could make it awkward for people who want to give it as a gift. So, keep an eye on the size and price of your bundles, especially if you want them to be great gifts.
  • You don’t need to give significant discounts, but the savings should be noticeable. If you dislike offering significant discounts, you can include an excellent complimentary product with good profit margins.
  • Be careful about choices when putting together bundles of clothes or similar items. Allow customers to pick their size, color, and other preferences for each item in the bundle. And remember to try out different options to see what works best. Testing is key!
  • Before you make bundles, check what you have in stock. Don’t mix things that have very different amounts available. If one thing runs out, the whole bundle won’t work. So, be careful when putting together bundles to avoid problems with needing more of something.


In conclusion, offering bundled products during the holidays is a smart way to boost sales. Customers love getting more for their money, and attractive bundles make them happy. It’s a win-win situation for both customers and business. For businesses, bundled deals increase the number of items sold, leading to higher overall sales. And customers get excellent deals on bundled products. So, consider bundling products this holiday season to make your customers happy and your sales even more.

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