WooCommerce: Effectively Use Additional Information Tab

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you’ve noticed those handy tabs on your product pages that provide information about your products. One of these tabs is the “Additional Information” tab, which is there to assist customers in making well-informed purchase decisions. It displays product specifications, dimensions, weight, and other attributes.

Now, let’s say you feel that having a separate tab for this information is a bit much. Maybe you prefer to merge these details with the product description, or perhaps you want to give the tab a different name to better fit your store’s style. The good news is that tweaking the WooCommerce Additional Information tab is simpler than you might think.

Imagine you sell T-shirts. Instead of having a separate tab for “Additional Information” with details like fabric type and size chart, you might want to blend that info into your product description. That way, when customers are checking out the product, they get all the important details in one go.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of tweaking the WooCommerce Additional Information tab to suit your preferences better. Whether you want to hide it, integrate it with the product description, or rename it, we’ve got you covered.

What is an Additional Information Tab in WooCommerce

The “Additional Information” tab in WooCommerce showcases specific details about a product, such as its weight, dimensions, and more. It comes in handy for providing customers with comprehensive product descriptions, technical specifications, or any other relevant information they find useful.

Essentially, the “Additional Information” tab serves as a space to include extra details about a product, like its weight, color, dimensions, and any other information you want to add to enhance the product description in your WooCommerce store.

Imagine you’re selling a camera. You’d want potential buyers to easily find details like its weight, dimensions, or certain technical specifications. Instead of hiding essential information in a separate tab, showcase them in the main product description section. It’s not about removing helpful information; it’s about presenting it in a way that makes the most sense for your customers.

When you input details such as weight, dimensions, or shipping information for a product, WooCommerce automatically organizes and displays this information neatly in the “Additional Information” tab on the product page. This way, customers can easily access and review these specifics as they browse your products.

Benefits of using the Additional Information Tab

The Additional Information tab in WooCommerce offers a valuable space for providing customers with more details about your products. Think of it as a digital label that goes beyond the basics, allowing you to enrich the product information and enhance the overall shopping experience. Here are some key benefits of using the Additional Information tab.

  • Detailed Product Specifications: The Additional Information tab lets you showcase detailed specifications of your products. It could include dimensions, weight, material, color options, or any other technical details that customers may want to know before purchasing. Having this information readily available helps customers make informed decisions.
  • Showcase Features and Benefits: Use this tab to highlight your products’ unique features and benefits. Describe how a particular feature can meet the customer’s needs or solve a problem. It helps potential buyers understand the value your product brings to them.
  • Compatibility Information: If your product is compatible with other products or has specific requirements, you can communicate this information in the Additional Information tab. It is beneficial for electronic devices, accessories, or components that may need particular conditions to operate optimally.
  • Customization Options: If your products offer customization options, such as engraving, color choices, or size variations, use this tab to outline the available choices. Customers appreciate having all the customization details in one place.
  • Usage Instructions: You can provide usage instructions or care guidelines in the Additional Information tab for certain products, especially those with specific usage requirements. It ensures that customers know how to use and maintain the product appropriately

Rename the Additional Information Tab in WooCommerce

You can add specific code to your website if you’d like to rename the “Additional Information” tab on your WooCommerce product pages. This code tells your website to display a different title for that tab.

Using PHP Code

Note: We used the Blocksy theme for this demonstration.

To change the name of the “Additional Information” tab on your WooCommerce product pages using PHP code, follow the steps.

  • In your WordPress setup, go to the wp-content/themes folder and locate the theme you’re using.
  • Then, look for the functions.php file in that theme. It’s always recommended to use the functions.php file of your child theme.
  • Next, open the file, insert the below code, and save your changes.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_rename_tabs', 98 );
function woo_rename_tabs( $tabs ) {
$tabs['additional_information']['title'] = __( 'Product Information' );	 
return $tabs;

In the above example, we’re changing the default name “Additional Information” to “Product Information” on WooCommerce product pages using PHP code. You can replace “Product Information” with any title you prefer by modifying the specified text in the code.

After applying the code, the title on your product pages will display the name you entered instead of the default “Additional Information.” This customization lets you personalize the tab title based on the specific details you want to highlight about your products.

Additional Information Tab: Rename Tab Frontend Result
Additional Information Tab: Rename Tab Frontend Result

Hide/Remove Additional Information Tab in WooCommerce

The default WooCommerce Additional Information tab serves its purpose for many products but may not be suitable for all, especially for downloadable or digital goods. It lacks flexibility, preventing customization of information presentation. Some store owners prefer a cleaner look and may want to hide this tab to declutter product pages.

For those selling digital products, the tab containing shipping details like weight and dimensions becomes unnecessary and irritating. In such cases, hiding the Additional Information tab becomes a viable solution.

There are three ways to hide the WooCommerce Additional Information tab. This action not only helps streamline the product page but also allows store owners to showcase custom information more effectively, tailored to their specific needs.

Way 1: Using PHP code

Note: We used the Blocksy theme for this demonstration.

To hide the product additional information tab without using a plugin, copy the provided PHP code and paste it into the functions.php file of your child theme. This customization allows you to hide the tab efficiently, ensuring a cleaner and more tailored appearance for your WooCommerce product pages.

add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_remove_product_tabs', 98 ); 
function woo_remove_product_tabs( $tabs ) 
{     unset( $tabs['additional_information'] ); 
      return $tabs;

Once you’ve added the code, save the changes and look at the product page, and you’ll notice that there isn’t an Additional Information tab anymore.

Additional Information Tab: Remove Tab Frontend Result
Additional Information Tab: Remove Tab Frontend Result

Way 2: Using CSS code

Note: We used the Blocksy theme for this demonstration.

Another method to hide the WooCommerce Additional Information tab involves using CSS code. Copy the provided code below and apply it to your website. This CSS code works to hide the tab from the product pages. It’s a straightforward approach that doesn’t require plugins or complex PHP coding. Using this method, you can customize the appearance of your product pages by hiding the Additional Information tab as desired.

li.additional_information_tab {
 display: none !important;

In your WordPress setup, go to the wp-content/themes folder. open up your theme folder and Inside that folder, locate the style.css file. Open this file, then copy and paste the above code. It’s always recommended to use the style.css file of your child theme. Once you’re done with the changes, save the file.

This process ensures that the Additional Information tab is no longer displayed on your single product page. Now, let’s explore another method to personalize and customize the product’s additional tab in WooCommerce.

Additional Information Tab: Remove Tab Using CSS
Additional Information Tab: Remove Tab Using CSS

Way 3: Delete Your Product Data

Another method to hide the WooCommerce Additional Information tab involves not adding details to the elements it typically displays, like weight, sizing, or custom attributes. This built-in approach doesn’t require any plugins but comes with limitations.

By choosing this method, you remove all additional details about a product that could be helpful to your customers. While it effectively removes the tab from your single product pages, it might not be ideal if you want to retain some of the product-specific information.

Additional Information Tab: Remove Tab Using Product Data
Additional Information Tab: Remove Tab Using Product Data

Please check our detailed article on How to add Products in WooCommerce?

As you can see, if you don’t input any details in the Shipping and Custom Attributes section, you won’t see any extra tab options on the product page. In simpler terms, leaving these sections blank means additional tabs won’t be displayed when customers view the product.

Additional Information Tab: Remove Tab Frontend Result
Additional Information Tab: Remove Tab Frontend Result

FAQs on WooCommerce Additional Information Tab

Can I revert the changes made to the Additional Information tab if needed?

Yes, you can revert the changes made to the Additional Information tab by removing or modifying the custom code added to your theme’s files. Always remember to make backups before making any significant changes to your website’s code.

Can I use the functions.php file of a parent theme in WordPress?

Yes, you can technically use the functions.php file of a parent theme. However, it’s strongly recommended to use the functions.php file of a child theme instead. This is because if you directly modify the functions.php file of the parent theme, your changes may be overwritten when the theme updates.

How does customizing the Woo Additional Information tab impact my SEO?

Customizing the Additional Information tab does not directly affect your SEO. However, it indirectly contributes to SEO by ensuring that essential product information is easily accessible and well-presented, enhancing the overall user experience.

How does hiding the Woo Additional Information tab affect product accessibility?

Hiding the Additional Information tab doesn’t affect your product’s visibility or accessibility. You can integrate those details directly into the product description or use custom fields to display them prominently on the product page.

What if I don’t see changes on the Woo Additional Information Tab after applying the code?

Ensure that you have correctly applied the provided code in the functions.php or style.css file of your child theme. Clear your browser cache and refresh the product page to see the changes. If issues persist, double-check the code for any syntax errors.

How can I hide/remove the Additional Information tab without using plugins?

You can remove the Additional Information tab using PHP code or CSS code without the need for plugins. The article explains three different approaches to hiding the tab and tailoring the appearance of your WooCommerce product pages.

How to Adjust the Additional Information Tab to the Description Tab

If you want to rearrange elements on your WooCommerce product page, use code snippets to move the Additional Information tab. By applying the provided snippet, you can shift the content of the Additional Information tab under the “Description” tab. It means that all the details usually found in the Additional Information tab will now be displayed alongside the product description.

This customization allows you to present product information in a more consolidated way, streamlining the layout for a better user experience on your online store. Insert the below code into the functions.php file of your child theme, and you’ll see the Additional Information content seamlessly integrated under the product description tab.

add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', function( $tabs ) {
	unset( $tabs['additional_information'] );
	return $tabs;
}, 98 );

add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', function( $tabs ) {
	$tabs['description']['callback'] = function() {
		global $product;
		wc_get_template( 'single-product/tabs/description.php' );
		if ( $product && ( $product->has_attributes() || apply_filters( 'wc_product_enable_dimensions_display', $product->has_weight() || $product->has_dimensions() ) ) ) {
			wc_get_template( 'single-product/tabs/additional-information.php' );
	return $tabs;
}, 98 );

Once done, go to the product page to see the changes. You’ll notice that the Additional Information tab has been removed, and its content is now integrated into the Description tab.

Additional Information Tab: Adjust Tab Frontend Result
Additional Information Tab: Adjust Tab Frontend Result

Key Takeaways

Here are the main points you’ll learn from this article. You’ll find valuable insights that make understanding the content easier.

  • Customize the Woo Additional Information tab in WooCommerce to match your store’s style.
  • Use PHP or CSS code to adjust the tab as needed, including renaming, hiding, or merging it with the product description.
  • Optimize the tab to provide comprehensive product information, potentially boosting sales and conversion rates.
  • Provide shoppers with easy access to all relevant details, fostering trust and satisfaction with their purchasing experience.


In conclusion, optimizing the Additional Information tab in WooCommerce can significantly enhance the user experience of your online store. By renaming the tab using PHP code, you personalize it to suit your product details better. Also, hiding or removing the tab, achieved through PHP and CSS code, can create a cleaner and more user-friendly product page. Remember to save changes, and through these simple steps, you can efficiently customize the Additional Information tab to showcase your product information better and improve the shopping experience for your customers.

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